// SourceListTextCell.m
// TableTester
// Created by Matt Gemmell on Thu Dec 25 2003.
// Copyright (c) 2003 Scotland Software. All rights reserved.
// Modified by Dave Batton.
// Created by Matt Gemmell on 01/11/2005.
// Copyright 2006 Matt Gemmell. http://mattgemmell.com/
// Permission to use this code:
// Feel free to use this code in your software, either as-is or
// in a modified form. Either way, please include a credit in
// your software's "About" box or similar, mentioning at least
// my name (Matt Gemmell). A link to my site would be nice too.
// Permission to redistribute this code:
// You can redistribute this code, as long as you keep these
// comments. You can also redistribute modified versions of the
// code, as long as you add comments to say that you've made
// modifications (keeping these original comments too).
// If you do use or redistribute this code, an email would be
// appreciated, just to let me know that people are finding my
// code useful. You can reach me at matt.gemmell@gmail.com
An interface example by
Dave Batton, Mere Mortal Software.
The code in this example may be used with attribution under a Creative Commons License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/